People blog for different reasons. For some, it's to vent or share a particular story about a part of their lives. For others it's to be motivational to others in their field. For me it's a little of both.
I started coaching as my way of giving back to the youth. When I was a kid, there were so many people from the community willing to help out and support the various activities I was involved in and willing to encourage me to do better in every aspect of life. They didn't have to say a word to me, after all I wasn't their kid, but they did. I wouldn't be the person I am today had it just been my parents doing all the work. Not to say they didn't do a good job, but I feel those outside influences from community leaders, coaches, teachers, neighbors, and so on were instrumental in my growing up. I'd be disrespecting them by just sitting back and not finding some way to make my community better. It just so happens that I can give back by teaching a game that I love. I started coaching in 2010, and while I'm not quite Phil Jackson or Larry Brown, I am working to improve and one day fall into that category of great coaches.
This blog is my place to document that journey. There will be some struggles. There will be some successes. There will be a lot of learning. And sometimes it may come from you guys, the readers. Comments are welcome, especially the constructive ones. Welcome to my blog, feel free to make yourself comfortable and subscribe.
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